“We had a big day delivering packages of LOVE to 68 oncology patients! 30 bags filled with a Kindle Fire, $100 gift card, and valentines goodies were dropped off at Phoenix Children’s Hospital and 38 bags of valentine goodies and a box full of toys were dropped off at Rady’s Children’s Hospital!”
Bree Rowand and The Kylie Rowand Foundation came into our lives while our 2 year old son Leo was on high dose treatment battling Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome and Stage 4 Neuroblastoma, the very same type of cancer that Bree's daughter Kylie so courageously fought. The days were long and brutal during our 14 months of intense treatment, and when I received Bree's call one gloomy day late last fall while inpatient, it was the ray of sunshine we had no idea we desperately needed amid the dark nightmare we were living. You can only imagine my surprise and shock when Bree introduced herself and told me that The Kylie Rowand Foundation was going to "take care" of Christmas for our family that year, something we hadn't put any thought into for our kids, we were just so focused on Leo's treatment. Balancing treatment and over 135 nights of inpatient hospital life, siblings, special family occasions and holidays tend fly by and fall by the way side when fighting for your child's life, so you can only imagine how much it meant to my husband and I when The Kylie Rowand Foundation offered to organize and provide all of the Christmas gifts for our family, giving both of my children a taste of the happiness they so deeply deserved after all we had to endure and overcome.
Bree's family and her team put together an absolutely amazing Christmas for Team Leo this last year, one which would have otherwise been impossible for my husband and I to pull off being in the hospital with Leo so often. It was unbelievable how much effort was put into every detail, from the perfect dreamy gifts for Lily and Leo, to the names on goodie stuffed Christmas stockings, it was honestly so thoughtful and generous, and even more importantly, inspirational. All of this was being done in the wake of her own tragedy, putting as much care and love into the holiday for my family as though we were her own. Team Leo's experience with Bree and The Kylie Rowand Foundation has been nothing short of life changing, giving us memories and inspiration that will motivate us for a lifetime.
Not only did the kids have an epic Christmas, filled with special gifts handpicked by Bree, like sewing classes and a photography session, she even spoiled my husband and I as well with presents, pampering and a night out on the town! After all the pain we had been through we had never had a Christmas quite like this before, and it was one we'll never forget. All of this so thoughtfully put together, by a grieving mother on the wings of an angel, the true gift being Kylie and Bree themselves, showing my children and others the importance of helping others in need by paying kindness and compassion forward. They continue to inspire our family every day with her efforts and dedication to helping those battling pediatric cancer through The Kylie Rowand Foundation.
The best and most prized of all the gifts this last holiday season, was simply meeting Bree. I felt an instant bond with her, and having had the chance to get to know her and follow all that the The Kylie Rowand Foundation has accomplished in just one year, I am honored to call her my friend and am forever motivated to pay her kindness forward. Caring for a child with cancer is a full time, around the clock job, one filled with strife, heartache and sacrifice, small victories and huge milestones. The financial burden is heavy and any sense of normalcy and family life is gone for every member of a family who loves a child affected by pediatric cancer. Making their crisis their cause, the members of the Kylie Rowand Foundation work tirelessly and selflessly to raise funds and awareness for all types of pediatric cancer, assist families with their financial burdens and help to bring smiles to patients and their families in the most dire and trying of times. Bree and her family are a true testament to the strength it takes to persevere in times of tragedy and loss, starting this foundation and proving to other suffering parents that your crisis can turn into your cause. So many blessings and so much beauty can come out of the deepest of grief and loss, and we are forever touched. I can only hope that all of the families she has been so dedicated to, and the determination of The Kylie Rowand Foundation to raise funds and awareness for pediatric cancer will help her own family to heal, the way it has helped to heal and inspire ours and so many others. Please join in her efforts and those of The Kylie Rowand Foundation to support and raise awareness and assistance for those that share in this courageous fight, it means so more than you could ever imagine. ♡ TEAM LEO THE LITTLE HULK. LOVE. ENDURE. OVERCOME.
The Walton Family
The Kylie Rowand foundation has helped our family so much. Not only have they helped financially, taking a huge weight off our shoulders but they have also been there supporting us through our whole journey. The amount of stress that has been lifted has been a true blessing. They helped us pay for our home mortgage for three months, and in those three months, we were able to stock up the fridge, take our girls out to dinner, and able to try and catch up on bills. The financial strain, brings so much heartache and having a foundation that knows just what we are going through and how to help, well that's a true blessing. I thank god for the Kylie Rowand foundation, without them, we wouldn't have been able to keep our home. For the first time in three years, I'm not overly worried or stressed about what next month has in store for us. Thank you to all the amazing people that make the Kylie Rowand foundation such a beautiful, caring, and giving foundation. To us, our home is really were our heart is, and our heart includes the Kylie Rowand foundation!"
The Wooldridge Family
There are no words to describe what this foundation has done for our family. I reached out to The Kylie Rowand Foundation when my son Roc was undergoing the most intense phase of chemotherapy treatment for Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. We are a family of 7 my husband, myself, Roc 5, Caleb 16, Liam 4, Kaleigh 8, Ella 2. Our 4 year old was diagnosed with autism on August 2014 just 6 months before Roc's first symptoms of Leukemia. My husband has been the sole provider of our home and I am a stay at home mom. My husband has had to cut down on his hours at work to help me at Roc's chemo appointments and this has put a financial strain on our finances. I had reached out to other foundations who seemed to be willing to help us with rent assistance but they were not able to provide that assistance. During this time I became ill and required multiple Drs. appointments. Because of the unique needs of our children my husband was forced to take 3 weeks off work without pay to help with the care of our children. Once I found out the other foundations would not be able to help us, I reached out to a dear lady and she recommended me to The Kylie Rowand Foundation. I reached out to Bree and I cannot thank her enough for how promptly and kindly she responded to my emails and questions. It was so comforting to find a foundation who was willing to help with the financial strains that do come with having a child with cancer. Not only was our immediate financial need met, in helping us catch up with our rent, but she offered to pay our rent for the next 2 months. The Kylie Rowand Foundation is a foundation that cares and truly understands what we as families are facing in fighting the pediatric cancer monster. Thank you Bree for foreseeing our need and being there firsthand to help meet those needs. I'm healthier, with less stress, Roc is in remission and full of joy and energy. Thank you to everyone who has been a part of the fundraising efforts for The Kylie Rowand Foundation. Thank you for being part of our lives and making sure our rent was paid these past 3 months. Kylie your life means so much to us I truly can't wait to meet you. With sincere gratitude.